Wednesday, August 21, 2013
The Harley Davidson Motorcycle Is More Popular Than Ever
With more than one hundred years notched on their belt, Harley Davidson is praised with building the best motorcycles on the planet. There is little doubt that they deserve the acclaim.

Arthur Davidson and William Harley dreamed of creating a "motorized bicycle" in their early adulthood. Test models were created and failed miserably, but this never deterred the boys from achieving their goal. Despite early models requiring foot power on hills, Harley and Davidson continued striving to create the "motorized bicycle" that they knew would become a success.
By 1906, the first fifty motorcycles were manufactured. A few years later, they followed with a line of motorcycles for police and military use. Short of a slowdown in the 1970s, Harley Davidson never stopped tweaking and improving their models. Today, Harley Davison produces millions of motorcycles for use on every corner of the world.

The distinct engine roar and loud vibrations through their tailpipes allow onlookers to hear the motorcycle far before it is visible. Listening to the strength of a Harley Davidson engine is an experience few will forget.
Three motorcycle nicknames were established courtesy of Harley Davidson. "Choppers" were born when the angle of the motorcycles front fork was extended allowing the handlebars to sit further back. "Hogs" became aptly named for the extra room used to transport racing pigs without switching to a larger vehicle. Who said people are the only ones who can ride a Harley? "Harleys" offered a shorter, catchier way to name a motorcycle manufactured by Harley Davidson.
Every March, Harley Davidson takes the Daytona by storm. June brings the Harleys to New England by way of Laconia, New Hampshire. Sturgis, South Dakota becomes a home away from home for many riders every August. Thousands of Harley Davidsons enthusiasts attend these gatherings. Many leave with dreams of having their own bike customized to match what they have seen on other bikes.

In 1983, H.O.G., The Harley Owners Group, formed its first chapter. Today more than 1,000 chapters are in existence and more than one million members share their love of these bikes, whether they own one or not. The devotion to this fine brand is proven, and you do not have to be among the elite to enjoy all there is to Harley Davidson. There are also a slew of online forums and websites devoted to Harley Davidson. Not even Yamaha, BMW, Victory, or Honda come close to having the same fan base.
Even if you cannot afford a Harley, you can still show your enthusiasm for the maker by purchasing items from their merchandise line. All of these items help contribute to Harley Davidsons $5 billion revenue every year. Hey, the advertising helps too! Not that Harley Davidson is hurting for promotion.